Thanks to Secrets to Dog Training's powerful insider information, over 288,525 dog owners worldwide have been successful with their dog training, and solved their dog’s behavior problems.

Who else wants their dog to be well behaved around people and other dogs? AND have them obey all of your house rules...

...even when you're not around!

If your answer is "Me!" then read on because you're about to discover how to put an end to your dog's behavior problems once and for all using proven techniques that give you immediate results...

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Effective dog training doesn’t come naturally.

Hi, my name’s Dan,

I’m sorry to say that the ability to effectively train their dog doesn’t come naturally to most people.

Every dog owner, even life-long dog lovers, needs to learn a whole bunch of new skills to be able to train their dog properly. Unfortunately some people have to learn this the hard way, but today I’m going to let you in on some of the secrets...

But you’d better think twice about what you think you know about dog training. Because today I’m going to give you the warning my kid sister now wishes she’d had...

...and give you some great tips to get you started.

What happened to my sister Jen...

When my sister bought her German Shepherd, Aladdin, he was given the best of everything a dog needs; chew toys, constant cuddles - you name it!

Jen really loved Aladdin, but she struggled to walk him. She felt like a broken record; constantly telling him to get off the furniture. Every time someone came to the door, he would jump on them. Finally she had to admit that she didn’t really look forward to his company after work at all.

And things got even worse!

Apparently Aladdin barked quite a lot during the day! So the neighbors introduced themselves by threatening to call the pound.

The one day something terrible happened. While she was out walking Aladdin one night he bit a young college girl!

Lawyers got involved...

And, because the girl was on a sports scholarship, Jen was ordered to compensate her a full year of tuition and board. So Jen had to sell her car and use all the money she’d saved for a well-earned holiday to Europe.

Of course the news got around the family. When my Uncle heard, he just nodded and said, “You’re either born the type of person a dog will answer to, or you aren’t.”

Now, most people would agree with that, but my Uncle was wrong. You aren’t born a dog person.

The truth is, everyone is a dog person, and any dog can be trained!

So when my sister read my eBook, Secrets to Dog Training, the same one I have for you today, she was mortified. Jen suddenly realized that all this time she’d been training her dog the wrong way. Many of the techniques that were supposedly common knowledge were, in fact, total lies.

But how was Jen meant to know this?

It’s not your fault!

Let me tell you right now, it’s not your fault you’ve been told the wrong things about dog owning. But today, right now, you can find out the truth.

It doesn’t matter how old your dog is, what breed it is, how many owner’s it’s had in the past, or even if you live in a tiny apartment and have never owned a dog before. You can own a dog that’s so well behaved that it will make Lassie look more like The Tramp.

Now, here’s a key tip which I usually reserve for dog owners who come to me for advice:

Tip #1

When your dog pees on the floor, and you punish by rubbing his nose in it, your dog probably doesn’t even know that you’re trying to correct his behavior!

Without this key understanding he’ll become frustrated and his learning will actually be stunted - making it even more difficult to get him trained!

The best thing you can do is reward your dog for going in the right place, rather than punish him for doing it wrong!

Wow, reward sure sounds like more fun than punishment!

What you can do

It’s time for you to know exactly how to get your dog to understand what you are communicating to them.

Today, with Secrets to Dog Training you’ll discover the key to transforming your dog into a hoop jumping, slipper fetching, best pal!

And you don’t need to be a professional animal behaviorist!

With Secrets to Dog Training you’ll automatically start behaving differently around any dog, act more like the pack leader without even realizing it, and any dog you encounter will automatically treat you accordingly!

Plus, along with a great deal on the Secrets to Dog Training eBook...

I’m going to give you the Secrets to Becoming the Alpha Dog guide, worth $20.00, absolutely FREE.

And that’s not all...

You’ll see exactly what you need to do to be in charge with the Secrets to Dog Training downloadable video.

Valued at $97, this fantastic video training resource is yours today FREE with your Secrets to Dog Training eBook!

When you master the Secrets to Dog Training system you’ll never come across a dog situation that you won’t feel in total control of.

Remove your frustration and rapidly increase the speed of your dog's learning!

Now, I’ve still got two more top tips for you that I’ve picked up from my years of experience, targeted at the areas I find dog owners struggle with the most...

Tip #2

This hard-to-come-by tip usually leaves owners a little taken aback...

Your posture, eye contact, and body language really matter to dogs!

Because dogs get social anxiety too!

So, things like facial expression and posture are just as important to dogs as they are to people.

If you’re sick of having your dog race out the front door, constantly strain on a leash, or always jump up on you my special Secrets to Dog Training system will teach you six simple techniques to free you from this behavior permanently!

You’ll also find out exactly what to do so that you can have more harmony in your household, what to look out for when you have more than one dog, and what to do if you’re facing a dog vs. cat situation.

The Secrets to Dog Training eBook covers over 25 behavioral problems in step-by-step detail.

It has over 260 pages, packed with powerful facts, instructions, and years of professional insight. Everything you need to know to stop your dog’s behavior problems in their tracks! Easy solutions to urgent problems from house training to car chasing.


It’s not a dog’s life. It’s your life!

That’s why over 220,000 dog owners have already used the Secrets to Dog Training system.

They’re resolving their dog's obedience problems and turning their dogs into happy, respectful and well-mannered members of the family.

And you’re going to become a well-rounded dog owner too.

Just by reading Secrets to Dog Training you’ll understand many illness concerns, including diet, motion sickness, worms, fleas, and gas problems.


As another added bonus, you’ll also receive FREE and unlimited online consultations with me and my dog training team, worth $197.00!

Now here’s my final tip, one that all the owners I meet are always blown away by! While this one tip may sound simple, sticking to it will make a huge difference to your relationship with your dog.

So here it is...

Tip #3

When you’re training your dog, never give a command that you cannot reinforce immediately.

For example, calling your dog to ‘come’ while he's far away; playing with another dog, or chasing squirrels, is doomed to failure.

If he doesn't respond, there's nothing you can do to enforce the command straight away. So you're effectively teaching him to ignore the command!

If you think shouting hopelessly from across the road as your dog barks and runs off to sniff another dog is just ‘part of owning a dog’...

Someone has misled you to believe complete rubbish!

I bet you already know that a well-trained dog is one of only two proven things that guarantee a longer life.

But did you also know that dog ownership is scientifically proven to reduce stress?

Not only that - but your overall mood is improved and you’re less likely to ever feel loneliness.

What’s more, you’ll have better social interaction and, get this, you’ll even have an improved immune system!

As a professional dog trainer I’m used to people relying on my advice so I’m careful what I recommend to them.

I don’t hesitate for a second to recommend Secret’s To Dog Training.

It made a world of difference for my sister and her dog. Anyone would agree if they saw him that Aladdin is now a pleasure to be around.

He enjoys socializing with other dogs and he does everything the movies tell you a dog ought to...

He sits...

He rolls

He even fetches the newspaper!

The change in Aladdin is phenomenal. And the change in Jen is amazing too. Secrets to Dog Training has empowered her to be more in control of her life.

And you don’t need to just take my word for it...

What Our Users Say

Customer feedback from Secret’s To Dog Training is coming in daily. Here’s just some of what dog owners are saying:

I had to smile when Kirsty Halleran, from the UK wrote in and told us...

"The Secrets to Dog Training books have been a tremendous help to me in gaining more control over my two dogs Neo & Molly. Both dogs are very loving and loyal but I've had to get a dog behaviorist out in the past as Molly's a rescue dog, has a nervous disposition. I think she was abused before I got her as she is extremely scared of children and doesn't particularly like strangers and other dogs...

...I really wish I'd heard/got the Secrets to Dog Training books years ago, in my opinion no dog owner should be without a copy. They're brilliant, very easy to understand/follow and they results are amazing!"

Wayne from the USA was ecstatic when he found out about Secret’s to Dog Training and wrote in to tell us:

"Secrets to Dog Training is great!...

...We have a crossed breed Poodle/Terrier and training him is extremely important to us since we live in high rise apartment. Sumo, our pup, is doing great! At only 5 months old he sits, lies down, heels, stays, and even comes most of the time. Secrets to Dog Training continues to provide support through email which we feel is a priceless resource."

And here’s a good one from Lyn Spain in Queensland, Australia:

"I purchased Secrets to Dog Training after I acquired a second puppy that was seven weeks old. My first puppy, a male then 14 months old, was a little bit aggressive with her...

...Now my puppies eat, sunbake and play together very happily. I would recommend it to anyone who cares about their animals."


Like those guys, I really want you to succeed with Secrets to Dog Training...

I want you to experience the same rewarding relationship with your dog.

That’s why, right now, I’m going to offer you even more added value...

A collection of 4 bonus Dog Training eBooks for FREE!

Worth $90.00, this collection is FREE for you today when you get your copy of Secret’s To Dog Training.

So, all-together that’s:

  • The Secret’s To Dog Training eBook, worth $67
  • PLUS the audio book, worth $67
  • PLUS the video program, worth $97
  • PLUS the Secrets to Becoming the Alpha Dog eBook, worth $20
  • PLUS unlimited online consultations, worth $197
  • PLUS the other bonus eBooks… worth $90

A total value of $538.00!

With all these you’ll soon be an expert on solving:

  • Aggression
  • Digging
  • Barking
  • Whining
  • Jumping
  • Chewing
  • Bolting out the front door
  • Separation anxiety
  • Coprophagia (that’s eating their own or other dog’s poop… yuck!)
  • Housetraining
  • And much, much more!

Discover how to train your dog to learn almost any command...

  • Come & Leave…
  • Stay & Down…
  • Heel & Seek…
  • Stand & Beg…
  • Fetch & Catch…
  • Climb ladders…
  • Shake hands…
  • Crawl & Jump…
  • Rollover & more!

You are 100% in control.

When you buy Secrets to Dog Training today it makes a lifelong difference to your relationship with your dog.

And I’m about to make this decision even easier for you.

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The Secrets to Dog Training 100%, 60 day, triple guarantee is our promise to you that...

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So, the answer to unlocking a faithful and loyal companion in your dog isn’t in a pet shop!

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So, how much will you pay today for Secrets to Dog Training?

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Never be responsible for training your dog the wrong way again. The Secrets to Dog Training system is your key to lifelong fun, peace, and happiness for you and your dog.

Yours sincerely,


Daniel Stevens
Author of Secrets to Dog Training: Stop Your Dog's Behavior Problems!

P.S. Remember, If YOU Want to Improve Your Dog's Behavior in the Shortest Possible Time Then Secrets to Dog Training is For YOU!

P.P.S. Remember, With Every Order, You'll also get the 7 Bonuses- Completely FREE!...

You have nothing to lose ordering Secrets to Dog Training, no matter what country you're in. Start your dog obedience training today!

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